May vacantie and Liberation Day

Since Holland is in Holiday mode today, I thought I would take a day off from my newsletter too!

I am all about celebrations and time off and feel they are an important aspect in my life.

With this said, I want to thank you for being here and give you a moment to catchup with me.


This is a list of what I have written so far, since the beginning of this wonderful blogging journey.



Renewing the vows with myself

Renewing the vows with myself

How to Return to Self-Love in 10 Steps

How to Return to Self-Love in 10 Steps


How to prepare for your photoshoot

How to prepare for your photoshoot


The many sides of women

The many sides of women


Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

First step to Love

First step to Love


Hi Beautiful

Hi Beautiful


Raise your daughter’s self esteem

Raise your daughter’s self esteem


What is a Folio Box

What is a Folio Box


Beauty trends 2016

Beauty trends 2016

How do you see yourseld

How do you see yourself ?


I am a Woman



Why not exist in photos

Why not exist in photos


It’s magic

It’s Magic


Mother and Daughter Day Video

Mother and Daughter day video


Mother and Daughter Day

Mother and Daughter Day


Time to Reconnect with your True Self

Time to Reconnect With Your True Self

With the Liberation Day in mind, I want to set you free, please go ahead and unsubscribe if you feel that this newsletter does not serve you well.

If it does, can you think of one friend that might benefit from it, go ahead and forward this email to them.
I would appreciate that.

Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you ! and enjoy this lovely holiday!

Renewing the vows with myself

This beginning of spring was all about introspection for me.
I had countless of hours of editing in my studio, so lots of time for reflection.
Questions like “How did I get here ?”, “Why am I doing this ?” ran through my head.

3 weeks into editing and one energy reading later, I realised my payoff “Connect Back to Yourself” is a mantra for me.


I’ve been far from myself for a long time and this portrait business, I finally realise, I do it for myself, to heal myself. If I heal other people in the process, which happens often, I’m double happy. It is quite some realisation!


I was running a business before, that brought me to unexpected places. Places I never thought I could get to, by myself. I was pushing myself so far away out of my comfort zone, that at some moment I drifted away from who I was and it did not feel like fun any more.


For that reason, I feel the need to self analyse, so I know I’m completely happy with what I’m doing, so I don’t get tangled into a ‘not so fun’ situation anymore. If I don’t hear in my head a joyful “hell yes”, I won’t do it. That goes with anything in my life right now.


Does that sound familiar ? Are you asking yourself these questions every year?


It is time to renew my vows with myself and check if everything’s aligned.


I wanted more fun in my life, so I decided to get surrounded by girls and do girlie things, like put on makeup and nice dresses, that’s the most fun I could think of, at that moment. It still is :) connecting to my feminine side and acting from that spot – is what I try to do every day.


I wanted to stop taking things so serious, so I changed my focus from business to personal. I used to do things that you “need to have” and now I do things that are in the “nice to have” category. Eg. I was doing linkedin profile shots before and now I’m doing glamour inspired portraits that will last 100 years, what a shift and it feels so good!


I wanted to connect with people and feel I am part of the community. Being an entrepreneur, it seldom feels  like being alone, on an island. So I joined groups of photographers and women, online and offline, eventually I started my own group about self love and body image. The 52 Selfie Challenge. I love it, it’s growing, women post a selfie every week, the love and support of women around is unbelievable. We’re all one, support, help and nurture is what we do best. I will gladly accept you in the group if you like.


I wanted to feel pure, clear in my essence, close to myself. I decided to ditch all the other types of photography I was doing, like events or corporate shoots and concentrate on what I love the most, and that is portraiture, it comes natural to me and it also inspires me. It puts me into this great creative space where I have to think about how am going to photograph you, create mood boards with you, get creative with fabrics, paint canvases, etc.


I wanted to feel joy and connect to my emotional side. Which as a creative person and also a woman, there’s plenty of that going on inside, isn’t there ?  But somehow I was ignoring it in my work, trying to be all entrepreneur and masculine about it.  I’ve added the “Reveal Wall”, in my portraiture business, a little something that gives me so much joy. To see my clients seeing their photos for the first time, like in a gallery of themselves. It is an emotional experience and deep connection. Through the reveal wall, I let them know that I see them that beautiful, and they start crying. Maybe they haven’t felt that in a while or maybe nobody noticed recently. It is empowering and healing.

Photoshoot with Cris

…Am I saving the world ? there’s that need that I have in myself too. I know, the Messiah complex, they’re calling it. This took me a long time to figure out. Is it shallow, what I am doing ? I’m not finding any cure for cancer, I’m not feeding any hungry kids. This is what took me longer to realise …absolutely I’m saving the world, one woman at a time. I’m helping women feel beautiful… this is my mission and it is amazing. It lifts me up in the morning knowing that I will make one more woman feel beautiful today.

It is the biggest gift I can give you and I am so happy to do so. If what I’m making for you makes you happy even for a second, my mission is accomplished. I’m doing my little part for the world.


Now that I know what I’m doing is inline with my core values, I know it is going to be satisfying for me, and in turn, for you too. “Do something with the joy of a little child that feeds a hungry duck in the park”, Marshall Rosenberg used to say, the mamnoon energy, life’s too short to give out of any other energy.


.. so my work lately was inwards, now I’m ready to come out and play and with spring here, I’ll be more active socially. I have also finished the clients work that I have had so far, from winter and I am looking forward to the new ones!


Come visit me at my studio! I have open doors for you & free coffee.
Let’s discuss your inner desires for your next photoshoot and see if this is something you would like to do.


How to Return to Self-Love in 10 Steps

I am asking the women I photograph to tell me about how they feel about themselves. Sometimes they surprise me with poems, other times they teach me the 10 steps to get there.

Here’s Nisa, amazing woman, mother to two beautiful kids, teacher and inspirer of her community. We were discussing the importance of self-love and nurturing yourself and how difficult it is sometimes to return to that after a long time of neglecting yourself. I leave you with her words of wisdom and the portraits that I did for her.


“Who am I ?

I am what I am and I love myself !

I’m practicing and preaching: “I am good to myself” by:


1- Being on ‘my side’ when no one else is


2- Looking for the good in every situation and taking it in


3- Seeing the greatness in myself, appreciating all of me


4- Slowing down and finding my balance in each situation


5- In this journey, learning to say “no” and setting boundaries in love, work or daily activities that I feel could deplete me in some way


6- Associating my ‘self’ with joy, doing what brings a smile to my face and meeting people who mirror that state of joy


7- Forgiving myself when visiting the past, thinking and addressing nice words to myself – because I’m the only one listening


8- Nourishing myself daily through healthy activities, good nutrition and proper sleep and trying to keep my mind in the present


9- Protecting my brain from negativity, bad images and hard emotions


10- Valuing my own beliefs and ideas, living with intention into a meaningful life that serves me and others


“Mirror, mirror on the wall…


A reflection of all these in a mirror;  Cristina’s camera. The process of capturing all the beauty of self-love was an empowering experience. Her time and knowledge transcend into this amazing picture which says – I return to love and I accept myself just as I am…. “



A mother's love knows no bounds: spending time with my daughter making memories

I am asking the women I photograph to tell me about how they feel about themselves. Sometimes they surprise me with poems, other times they teach me the 10 steps to get there. Here’s Nisa, amazing woman, mother to two beautiful kids, teacher and inspirer of her community. We were discussing the importance of self-love […]

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The portrait of a dancer

I am asking the women I photograph to tell me about how they feel about themselves. Sometimes they surprise me with poems, other times they teach me the 10 steps to get there. Here’s Nisa, amazing woman, mother to two beautiful kids, teacher and inspirer of her community. We were discussing the importance of self-love […]

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The woman I work for

I am asking the women I photograph to tell me about how they feel about themselves. Sometimes they surprise me with poems, other times they teach me the 10 steps to get there. Here’s Nisa, amazing woman, mother to two beautiful kids, teacher and inspirer of her community. We were discussing the importance of self-love […]

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Embrace Your True Power

I am asking the women I photograph to tell me about how they feel about themselves. Sometimes they surprise me with poems, other times they teach me the 10 steps to get there. Here’s Nisa, amazing woman, mother to two beautiful kids, teacher and inspirer of her community. We were discussing the importance of self-love […]

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How to prepare for your photoshoot

This blog post is a long time coming and with spring being here and all the photoshoots scheduled already, I thought it’s the right time to write this and prepare everyone on how to prepare for your photoshoot.

Prepping for a photoshoot is an interesting experience.

A client of mine just said “It is such an exciting experience and I am really looking forward to it.” Another one: “The Glamour Experience has begun! Loved the intake with Cristina Stoian in Amsterdam for a professional photoshoot including a team looking after you all day. For business and fun!”

This makes me so happy and motivated to give you the best service I can.

Ok, so you’re about to have your portrait taken. Congratulations! I want you to think about it for a bit and start preparing it.

There are some aspects to consider, these are the little details that can impact your portrait and I want you to get them right.  It is time to plan. Decide on outfits, schedule beauty appointments, prepare a mood board. Chose what fits your lifestyle, current beauty regime and go from there.


IMG_0974Whiten Teeth ahead of time. White strips will go a long way and they’re easy to apply 2 weeks before your shoot.
Breakouts – don’t scratch and squeeze; if you have a pimple the week of he shoot, leave it there, it’s easier to cover up with makeup than covering a red wound.
Exfoliate twice a week before the shoot. Spend a moment in your morning routine to gently scrub your face, use a quality organic facial scrub to feel like you’re really taking care of yourself.
Tweeze eyebrows one week before.  Don’t overdo it!  This is crucial since eyebrows are defining your face and can change your expression. Do it 2-3 days before the shoot, to allow the redness to cool off.
Facial For a total pamper session, have a light facial to close the pores, a week before the shoot – leave time to heal ! A facial at home is a good alternative, masks on Sundays is what I do to relax.
Red Eyes – Visine is your friend. Not getting drunk the night before your shoot helps, too.
Lips – Use lip balm and scrub for a few days in advance of your shoot to make your lips look their best.
Moisturizer – Dry skin can take away from a great photo shoot. Start moisturizing nightly a week in advance of your shoot.



IMG_3832Haircut –  If you’re getting a hair cut for your shoot, do so about two weeks beforehand, your hair falls into place best – 1-2 weeks after the cut.
Treatment – Give your hair a deep-moisturizing treatment. At your favourite salon while you’re having your haircut or at home.  Apply it together with the facial masque. Wrap your head with your towel after the shower, turban-style. Wear your bath robe and pretend you’re having a day at the spa and read a book. Take some time off for yourself.
Touch Up your Roots but don’t change the colour of your hair. You must be comfortable with your colour of your hair 3 months in advance. This is a big one, your photos will last forever.


Cristina-Stoian-Portrait-Photographer 22Wax/Shave Take care of all hair removal prior to a shoot, but leave at least 2-3 days in between.
Exfoliate and moisturize your whole body. When you get out of the shower, dry off until lightly damp, and use moisturizer. Focus on your arms, shoulders, neck, face, hands, anywhere you’ll be exposed to the camera. This includes your legs if you’re shooting in shorts or a skirt.
Tan If you are using self-tanner or go to a salon, do this couple of days before the shoot. I prefer you not to, I love fair skin, but this is your personal choice.



_MG_2261Manicure: Get a manicure done 1-2 days before your shoot. Clean nail polish. Short nails are preferred. A natural, non-colored, or French manicure look is preferable, but if you color them, think about the outfits you’re shooting in, the colour should work well with all your choices. If you plan on posing barefoot, be sure your feet and toes are in good condition.

Clean your rings: This is something I never use to think before, it makes a difference to have clean jewellery. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your jewellery the night before or have them cleaned professionally.


cristina-stoian-106Prepare 5-6 outfits. Your portraits should be a reflection of you, just more polished. Choose the outfits you love. Think of those special pieces you might not wear often because they’re impractical for day-to-day use, or the go-to blouse you always wear when you’re going somewhere nice.
Little black Dress Bring at least one dark outfit or top or dress. black, navy, burgundy, dark green, etc. work best here.
Creamy Light Soft, sheer, not necesarerly white, can be cream, nude, light pink or peach.
Hip&Happening This outfit is your chance to show your personal style. If you tend toward more conservative tastes, choose a classy look. Instead of Funky, try Structured, Soft, Elegant, or Formal.
Sexy. This one is entirely your call. You could skip sexy, and that’s up to you. But if you’d like to, you can be an understated sexy in a backless formal dress, or a more overt sexy in a pretty pinup-style swimsuit. Beautiful lingerie is lovely and empowering.
Necklines. I love to be able to see your collar bone, so boat neck, scoop neck, square neck, deep V and off-the-shoulder are my favorite necklines. Whatever you choose, try to make it more interesting than the basic T-Shirt neckline. If you love turtlenecks, go for it! Feel free to bring whatever calls to you. Mixing up the necklines will add variety to your shots, so try not to bring all of one style.
Texture. Sumptuous textures lend a rich, tactile element to your photos.
Avoid Prints. Patterns and prints are distracting. We want people to look at you when they see your portrait, and even the most beautiful print will steal that attention.
Fit Your Form.  Fitted clothing that shows your shape work best for photographs. Skip that billowy, blouson top, or anything with dolman or batwing sleeves. While they might be flattering in person, they will not be slimming in camera. This applies to any body type. Choose outfits that will hug your curves, especially your waist, hips, arms, and chest.
Forget Shoes. Unless you have a special pair you’re dying to photograph, there’s really no need to worry about the shoes you’ll wear. Most images won’t show your feet at all, and if some do, bare feet will add an organic feel to your portraits.
Bras – Please bring according bras, nude underwear,  strapeless bras – depending on the outfit.

One night before:

Remove any watches, rings, or other jewelry that could leave an impression on your skin.
Relax Try not to schedule any activities this day, just relax and rest your nerves if you are anxious about the shoot. Sleep 8 hours.
Location Be sure that you know how to get to the studio or location where you are shooting.
Eat healthy Drink plenty of water. Avoid fatty, greasy, and salty foods prior to shooting. Please avoid alcohol or anything that will make you puffy or bloated. Also avoid anything that may stain your teeth.

The day of the shoot

Jog If you can, go for a light jog prior to the shoot to wake up your face.  This eliminates the tired look we see on most people first thing in the a.m.
Shower and apply antiperspirant
No Pony Do not wear a ponytail to the shoot, it leaves a kink in the hair
Eat light Don’t eat very much for 2-3 hours before the shoot, you may get bloated.  Sip water and eat light.
Relax Make sure you are relaxed.  I recommend doing yoga or meditation on the day of the shoot to get rid of jitters.
One coffee– Don’t have too much caffeine.
Arrive on time
Have fun !

What is a Folio Box

While it is a common term within the photographic industry, I feel many of my clients do not know what a Folio Box is.

A folio, comes from the times that photographers had to present their work to potential clients in a portfolio. An artist’s portfolio is an edited collection of their best artwork intended to showcase an artist’s style or method of work, showing different samples of current work. Historically, Portfolios were printed out and placed into a book.


After our photoshoot together, we have created some of the most beautiful portraits you have ever seen of yourself. You can decide how you would like to display them, for example, you can decorate your house/office with your beautiful framed portraits.
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As a more private option, the handmade Folio Box, Eclipse from Seamless. It is a beautiful keepsake, designed with luxury in mind, a black, hand-made presentation box that is finished with a beautifully textured material and a silky-smooth black ribbon.

I put these together for people and they will cherish them for ever. It becomes part of their heritage.

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I use Seamless Slide-In Mats. While they offer several size options, I prefer the 20x30cm matted to 30x40cm, it’s the European size and it is the default size I use.


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The prints inside the folio box are made at LabFotoKiekie. I use them because they’re high quality and they use archival paper, which is the same print as the ones museum use, it’s a print that’s going to last for 100 years. My paper preference is the Fujicolor Crystal Archive Paper Supreme in Lustre.

In addition to the products we create, any image you buy will be saved in the cloud, as a high-resolution file, which will be print quality up to the size you purchased.
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Samples of all these beautiful products will be in my studio on the day of your photoshoot, so you can see them in person. If you would like to see them before booking a shoot, a free consultation in the studio will be the perfect way to answer any questions you may have.
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“I want you to have portraits on your wall that remind you on a daily basis of what you are most grateful for in life. It is a tangible memory of Your love “
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A tangible memory of Your Love


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Galentine’s Day

I was mentioning last time that the first step to love is, self love.
Well, I continue here with the next step.
This one is easier and fun: Love your girlfriends.


Acknowledge and celebrate your girlfriends! They are your support system. They are there for you. They hold you when you are low and they are there to celebrate your little and big successes.


Idea: Throw a Galentine’s Day party for your close girl friends.


It will fill your heart with joy to prepare it, and announce it and will definitely create a big sensation in your gal group.


Three women walked into my studio excited and ready to spend a whole day together. One of them was celebrating 40 years on this planet and she decided to do something special this year to mark her anniversary.


I advised them on their outfits and accessories, told them to book a restaurant for afterwards, since they’re going to look gorgeous and make it a girl’s day out.


Weeks later, armed with their jolly spirits, they made their appearance bearing heaps of cool dresses and jewellery, and were ready to get pampered for the day.


I’ll leave you with an impression of the day and some of their quotes, some behind the scenes and their lovely photos.




“It was a very special experience of feeling beautiful and discovering new facets of myself.” 




“I really enjoyed the day at your studio, with getting styled and put into poses that I had never done before.”IMG_3897



“When I saw the photos for the first time I thought to myself, <<Wow and yes, that’s me too!>>”


“I started to develop a new vision of myself. This process is not yet finished but seeing the photos added another important element.”




“I enjoyed spending this day with 2 of the most important people in my life.  Friendship is the most important thing and to experience this together made me very happy.  Cristina, you are an amazing and detailed person which made it easy for me to work with you.”





Celebrate your girlfriends

Have a girls day out with a photo shoot and makeover

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First step to Love

Since this is the month of LOVE, I would like to kick start it with a portrait reveal of someone who took their first step to love.
Self Love.

I believe it is impossible to love someone else or to care for someone else until you really love who YOU are –

EVERY aspect.

Of course this is not easy. Maybe it’s not achievable in one day, one week or ONE month. Maybe you need a year for this or even twenty. This is your journey of self discovery, self acceptance and self love.

Take this journey.

It starts here.

She is creative writer for the movie industry and also art history and civilisation, as well as a conference interpreter. She’s truly a free spirit and as been living all over the world. I have asked her to describe our experience together and she surprised me with this:


“A rewarding moment was that day of the shooting, when she woke up and saw her again in the mirror:


The person she got to see every morning in that same mirror became now her best friend.
For so many years she’s been talking to her: She didn’t hear her.
She didn’t talk with her: She was lost in words.
Those words were him, her love, who carried himself to become themselves.
Her best friend was created by fate.
Fate created the woman she became.
The person in the mirror is her words, the echo of her best friend’s name.
Twenty years were all she needed to come to this photo session with her best friend.
Perhaps it is a short period of time, or not, but that is all she was.
The woman in the mirror and the images, revealed herself to her.
And now all she sees, are words revealed as herself in a visible impression as poetry:



She got dressed with a colourful palette of desires and thoughts;
travelled by plane, boat, and her eyes together with his.
She got naked under Amsterdam’s skies thinking of their eyes.
They travelled, they lived, they kissed, they loved.
Today she lives like a river in his forest, she is water in his soul.
She travels in his body to find herself eternal in his ocean in images that captured her best friend,
the one he loves.”





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What a gift for Valentines

Celebrate yourself

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Beauty trends 2016

In my photography practice, I work with a handful of talented artists to help you achieve that look we desire for your photo-shoot.

I have asked them to give us their expertise on the new beauty trends this year – they are very passionate about what they’re doing and they were happy to help us out.

I can see us trying some of these ideas together!


Make-up Trends 2016

“2016 will be the year of a beauty awakening. People are becoming more and more conscious about their skincare and makeup choices and the demand is slowly but steadily turning to ‘clean beauty’, which means that non-toxic, natural and organic beauty solutions are going to be huge this year.

Even if red lips are the eternal classics, the past few years they have had to take the back seat and let the nude lips enjoy the spotlight.

Now it’s officially over!

The biggest makeup trend in 2016 will be the perfect red lip, which is applied with extreme precision in the lively shade of a ripe red apple.“

Anna Szoke, Make Up Artist / Beauty Blogger ,


Hair Trends 2016

“Long hair is never out of fashion but now it’s become less polished, a more bohemian style and centre parted. The long bob (the lob) will also be this year’s trend. Sleek, or loose in ‘beachy’, textured waves. A heavy, blunt fringe is back this season and can be costumized on both long and short hair.
Hair color trends this year are still bayalage and ombre or granny greys. A new trend beginning is metallic colours in lilac and pale greens.”

Daniel Smeets, Hairstylist and Color Specialist,


Skincare Trend 2016

“Healthy, glowing, beautiful skin. Glowing skin can of course be achieved with make-up, like the Light Reflect Highlighting Creme, but a true natural glow requires regular exfoliation, to transform dull winter skin into a dewy, fresh glowing look. Combine the Glow Baby Youthful Face Scrub with daily moisturising and an organic skin-brightening serum like the Brightening & Correcting Serum from Apostle, to give your skin an irresistible healthy glow that radiates from within. Shirley Tol, Founder of Shizo Natural Cosmetics


Make-up Trend 2016

Blue statement eyes. This spring it’s all about blue eyeliner, blue eye shadow and blue mascara. The catwalk shows have given us everything from bold cobalt on the eyes to bright turquoise for winged eyeliner, to Pantone’s Spring ’16 colours of the year – ‘Serenity’, pastel-like soft blue for building up a blue smokey eye shade.”

Shirley Tol, Founder of Shizo Natural Cosmetics


Brow Trend 2016

Brow Freedom: Whatever chaos with brows is allowed this year, wide natural thick brows are the trend.

Makeup without makeup – Literally almost nothing on your face.

Bright skin applied with a strobing technique, which is a brilliant new face-sculpting style. It’s

implemented with a highlighter, where light would naturally hit your face.”

Olia Svarga, Make-up and Brow Artist,


While preparing this blog post, I got all giddy with excitement and I wanted to try them all on me first. So much fun ! I found out that some are for me, some definitely not, I’ll let you be the judge of that. See below some selfies I took after putting these on.


Beauty Portrait

Let's try these together

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What is a Portrait

A Portrait. What is a Portrait. I’ve been thinking about this one for a long time. It stayed in my head over the holidays. I did some digging to find out what some “heavy weight” people in the industry are saying about it. These are just a few of their thoughts that I found and I liked.


“A Portrait is a evocation of a person, gives the sense of that person, doesn’t necessarily need to look like the person but it would have to give some impression. ” Lesley Stevenson, Senior Paintings Conservator


“To me, a portrait is a creative collaboration between an artist and the sitter and it is unique in that sense as an art form, that’s what makes it really different from other art forms.” Sarah Saunders, Deputy Head of Education


“A Portrait can be many, many things, that depends on the one who takes the Portrait, who makes the picture and on the sitter, because the sitter chooses, most of the times, the person who makes a Portrait of him and he hopes that it represents him. That’s all.” Gert Sander, grandson of photographer August Sander.


“I would see a Portrait is a picture of the individual human being that places emphasis on the uniqueness, simple as that.” Sandy Moffat, Artist


“I think a Portrait is normally thought to be the sort of visual representation of someone, normally that’s in oil paint or might be a sculpture carving but I really like the idea of a Portrait being the sound of people’s voices.” James Holloway, Director Scottish National Portrait Gallery


“I think a Portrait is a representation of an individual, usually an individual, a human being, by another individual, and it’s a created object that acts as a kind of remembrance of that person.” Nicola Kalinsky, Deputy Director of Scottish National Portrait Gallery


“It’s like being enlove, it’s the same thing, you never know how it happens, but if it happens right, a good outcome will come out of it.”  Gert Sander, grandson of photographer August Sander.


“Portraits of rulers from the early Medieval period often did not depict the actual appearance of the living ruler, but the “imago” of a Roman emperor in whose succession he felt himself to be standing, by “tanslatio imperii”.
Contemporary portraits, however, are made within a cultural and artistic context with deep questions about the nature of identity, of representation, and of authenticity.
Today, technology is transforming both the medium and the subject matter of Portraiture, changing how we think about human identity: to portray the essence of a person, do we show the face? DNA? surveillance data? shopping transactions? ” Richard Brilliant, Professor of Art History and Archaeology, at Columbia University



Even funnier, when I have asked my friend, the artist Raluca Vescan, she told me: “If I think of a Portrait, the first image that comes to my mind is the Native American that was running away from the camera, scared that their soul would be stolen…”



I guess everyone has its own interpretation of it. What is yours ?


For me, a Portrait has a deeper meaning. It shows you, the person that is being photographed, a side of you that is very personal, real, that is you. It shows you a face that you sometimes catch in the mirror, but you can rarely reproduce in a photo. It is a side of you, that for various reasons does not usually get to be seen on camera. It is also the side of you that you want your grand, grand-grandchildren to hold in their arms, one day and say: “Now, this is Grandma”.



I like to do that for you. To be your eyes. Show your inner self. No borders, no fears, just YOU. 

Show your inner self

Do you own a Portrait of Yourself ?

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It’s ok to be beautiful

In our quest through this wonderful thing called life, we somehow manage to forget ourselves.

We care for everyone else in the family and we put ourselves last.



When was the last time you were pampered and put yourself first for a change? Taking time to disconnect or taking time to not be the mother, daughter, wife, friend or partner…

How long since you’ve really paid attention to how you look or feel?

With the Christmas holidays approaching, it’s time to unwind and slow down, to get back to yourself and reflect. 


How do you want to feel?


It’s ok to want to feel beautiful. Maybe it’s been a while. 

It’s ok to want to feel appreciated. Has it been too long since somebody noticed?

It’s ok to want to be loved. Do you get that attention that you desire?


I have a little secret for you – It starts with yourself. From, within. 


Do you notice yourself?

Do you give yourself attention?

Do you believe you deserve to have that attention?


This is the time to reflect, sit quietly and look back at a full year. Breathe. Were you good to yourself ?


I give you permission.

If no one else does, I will.

I give you permission to feel beautiful, feminine, gracious, fabulous! 


 This New Year, let’s celebrate beauty, together.


These are the brave women that celebrated beauty this year. I congratulate you and wish you put yourself on a pedestal every day.



cristina-stoian-4-969x650lonieke_cristinastoian006_MG_9588cristina-stoian-10-969x650cristina-stoian-7-969x650cristinastoian_3MG_9349-EditIMG_6428 cristina-stoian-portraits-_-athalie-4CristinaStoian23There are so many elements to women and to beautiful femininity. I am proud to bring it out in my portraits. I work to bring out different sides of people for different purposes, or for different types of women – it really depends on my model. Women are so powerful, dramatic and natural, it all deserves to be seen. I want everyone to be able to see the beautiful, natural, confident woman in us all.IMG_4924IMG_4577IMG_0974_MG_1968-web-size_signed colourIMG_5064_MG_0493-copycristina-stoian-portraits-_-athalie-1Cristina-Stoian-Portrait-Photographer 22IMG_6914

You are beautiful

Are you ready to take the leap?

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