A mother’s love knows no bounds: spending time with my daughter making memories

A daughter’s love knows no bounds as well, but few can match the love of a mother’s heart. This unbreakable bond between mother and daughter often grows even stronger as the years go by, and no matter how old your child becomes, it will always be one of the strongest relationships in your life. Here are some ideas on how to spend quality time with your mom this weekend, strengthening your bond together while making memories that will last forever.

People are busier than ever before. In today’s society, it seems that families are getting smaller, and parents don’t have as much time to spend with their children as they would like.

It’s not about how much time you spend, but what you do while you are together. Rather than taking your daughter shopping or to a restaurant, go on a hike or camping trip together and make it into an adventure. You’ll both enjoy yourselves far more, and create some great new memories as well.

The joy of spending time with mum while getting your portrait taken.

Celebrate your relationships

The last couple of years was hard for parents and their children that live far away from each other. They have not seen each other for a long time and spending time together seemed like a luxury. I was overjoyed to hear when grandparents managed to visit their kids and grandkids. Finally, mothers were reunited with their daughters.
When I created these photoshoot experiences, for moms and daughters, I did not imagine how important time spent together is. I took it all for granted… and after doing a couple of these shoots, I realised what an amazing thing it is to spend time with mum, get pampered with lovely hair and makeup done up – together, and make memories. To hold your portraits in your hands, portraits that will outlive you and will be the most cherished thing to have in the years to come.


Dear mum, I cherish you in my heart forever and I want to spend time with you. Will you join me in a photoshoot that we will enjoy in the years to come?



The time is now

I had the honour to have Mary Jane Roy in front of my camera. This was her first professional photoshoot, complete with wardrobe, makeup and hairstyling. At the age of 67!

I met Mary Jane through the Professional Women’s Network (PWN) Netherlands years ago and we had an instant connection. (Turns out we were born on the same day :) )

What captivated me about her from the start was her kindness and warmth, and mostly her ability to see the good in others, motivating them to be the strong and resilient people they can be.

Mary Jane Roy is fighting for a “multi-generational future where younger and older employees feel welcomed and valued”. I would add that they are both irreplaceable and imperative in today’s society.

This is what she said about her experience with us:

“Yesterday, I had one of the best experiences of my life! As a result of the combined efforts of Tammy Parrish and Cristina Stoian, I had my first professional photoshoot, at the age of 67! A professional make-up artist Stefan Alina was also available, as well as a videographer @Kristina Nesterova , who recorded much of the session.

A huge thank you, to all of you. It was something I SO didn’t want to do (but it was time), and it turned into a fun few hours. It’s for this reason, I say it was one of the best experiences. It stretched me, which is to grow.
You had me laughing my way through a situation for which I definitely had to muscle up my courage!

I haven’t seen the results yet, but from these professionals, I know the end result will be cherished by me.




I strongly believe 50+ is fabulous! I cannot get enough photographing them, offering a platform to be visible and appreciated in our youth-obsessed world. Me and Tammy Parrish are committed to see that happen! Let’s do this!

Many thanks to all the team that made it all happen:

Tammy Parrish stylist
Stefan Alina Make-up and hair artist
Kristina Nesterova videographer
marleen rameckers Jewelry

#ageism #50plusisfabulous #portraitphotography #makeportraits


The Time is Now

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Dare to be yourself

With things opening and everyone starting to mingle more and be social, it seems that not everyone is on the same page with “coming out” of the hibernation mode. Many of us became adjusted to isolation and have anxiety about showing up in the world again.  Mental health, poor nutrition, unhealthy choices and lack of self-care all play a part in this.

Give yourself time and be kind to yourself.  There’s no need to put on any hats you don’t want to.

How many times you hear you have to be loud and be out there and hustle to get your job done.

I’m here to tell you there’s another way, one more kind, more closer to who you are. I call it the quiet storm. Just because you’re the quiet type, it does not mean you’re not powerful. In fact, whenever we whisper, people stop what they’re doing and start listening, like you’re going to say something magic. Try it next time.

Being kind wins over every time. So why not be authentically you and show your gentle power instead of someone you’re not.

Schedule a chat with me and we will start designing your glamour experience.

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Coffee Table Book

While I am exploring printing, I discovered this company producing books on demand, Fotofabriek. I decided to try it out and I like the result. With my latest photoshoot, portraying the mother and daughter relationship, I had an idea to go one step further and make a coffee table book. I photographed them at different ages and I thought it would be interesting to see the development. I also love coffee table books. On any given sunny day you can find me on a coffee corner, browsing through their coffee table books collections.

The book is a design element in your house featuring you and your daughter. It will remind you both of your lovely experience together and book quality time together.

You can make a coffee table book at this site.


Looking through the lens

One doesn’t really know a person unless they’re in front of the camera. Looking through the lens, there’s another layer uncovered than the familiar face we post to the public. Maybe that’s why personal photoshoots are more intimate, you go through the layers of you, unveiling the different layers of your personality. 

This was the case with my client Ionela, I knew her from events we organised and attended together, I grew familiar with her bubbly personality, and I saw her as the cool chick. 

But seeing her in front of my camera, I have discovered the woman that she is, talented, creative, resourceful, authentic.. vulnerable, and not afraid to show it, powerful at the same time a complete woman in her own rights. 

I felt affection, and for me, that means being inspired and motivated to look beyond the public face. 

“Seeing these portraits empowers me, all the while making me feel extremely proud of the woman I have become. “



As you know, last year I have become a mother.


It was indeed the most remarkable and unforgettable year, becoming a mother, having a daughter.


It’s been a time of growth, acceptance and much-needed self-love.


It’s incredible to see a new story come to life, to witness it from the early stages, my daughter’s story, to be part of it intimately and also an active role as a parent. It’s a thrilling experience.


I’ve learned so much about life, again and again, it is like getting a new understanding of the world.


While I love my baby immensely and spending time with her has been the main pass of time in the last year, it is time to go back to work.


It is calling me, to be fully fulfilled, there is a side of me which aches to create again. Doing my life’s work, creating with a camera is essential to me.


Of course, my mission feels even more important now, having a daughter. I want every woman to realise her beauty is unmistakable and to understand that her role in the world is both irreplaceable and imperative.


My promise to you is that once you step in front of my camera, this will happen.


Leaving a legacy behind has become to me more important than before, knowing there’s someone to leave it behind to. I will make it a priority to get behind the camera more.


Returning to work will be a balancing act, and I will probably fail a couple of times in the beginning, and that’s ok, I’m new to all this. I hope you’re going to understand my clumsiness. It will all take time.


Anna allows me to play on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for now, and those are my studio days dedicated to you.

Are you ready to book your shoot

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I can’t wait to see your comments, bookings as I am ready.



I have been quiet lately, focusing on my next big lifetime adventure.  This is the result.

I am proud to go through this transformation, becoming a mum, embracing life with life, bringing up in my womb a miracle, the touch of divine creation.

I have wanted this for a long time, ever since I can remember, and I am finally in the right place and time for this.

I made space for it in my life and arranged it in such a way that a kid could fit right in.

I found a photography studio close to home, with daycare on the ground floor, so I’d always be close by, I modeled my business so it would fit my mummy life. I learned about healthy eating, taking breaks and caring for myself. Learned how to care for my partner and communicate effectively so both our needs are met.

And then … she arrived. can’t be more proud and happy to carry her in my belly.

I am now expecting her arrival any minute, and she kicks in my belly as I am writing this. :)

I will be taking six months of maternity leave to enjoy this new life and be close to her and give her all the love and nurture she needs to adapt to this new world.

I will be back to work early next year, February 2020 is when I plan to continue my portrait practice.




Looking towards the future, 2020 seems to be the year of new endeavours (such a cool number, isn’t it?) and I want to be the one that brings out the beautiful and confident, amazing person that you are.

Therefore I would like to invite you to join my VIP list personally. You will be the first to know about:

  • My new ideas for portrait photoshoots
  • Inspiring new tips for self-care, confidence, ageing
  • By enlisting in the VIP list, you will secure the same prices as shown today on my website for a new shooting. Because also prices grow up ;)