Feeling good in your own skin
How often do we look in the mirror and all we can see is our imperfections?
What would it give for you to see your qualities first instead of hearing your judging voice?
Transform what you see in your mind and half of the problem is solved already.
Make peace with who you are and what you look like and start loving yourself a bit more.
Once you focus on the beautiful part, the rest follows along and once you feel good, you look your best. I think this it’s hormonal, at the cell level.
So do a happy dance in front of the mirror, pick some angel cards, light a candle, put on makeup, do whatever makes you feel good and you will see a difference!
A lot of people never make peace with who they are. They are in a constant battle with themselves, always trying to change something about their appearance.
It’s not easy to love yourself when the world is constantly telling you that you’re not good enough. But you have to start somewhere.
Just look in the mirror and find one thing that you like about yourself. It can be anything, no matter how small. And then build from there.
Remember, there is no one else like you in this world. You are unique and special, just the way you are. So love yourself… today and always.